the bygone year | hindrances | the year's beginning | positive energies | unfolding 2021 |
Tarot 2021
Many of us consult the Tarot for specific time frames, most commonly either for a single day or year. The present reading is meant for all those who wish to gauge the upcoming year 2021 with the Tarot cards for 2021. It is a version of the popular reading "the Path" by Aleph Tarot, drawing a line from the past towards the future, considering hindrances and positive forces and the impact on our plans and fortune.
Of course you may define your very own question in a more narrow way than presented in this reading. Why not adapt it to "relationship & love 2021", "my job in 2021" or "my health in 2021"
Please do note that the Tarot cards do not provide you with a horoscope for 2021. The cards help you to better understand upcoming 2021 and you are advised to keep as much of an open mind as possible. The cards for 2021 are an inspiration and do not represent a certain and predestined fate.
Of course you may also use the other readings of Aleph Tarot in your assessment of 2021. It may be the Tarot of Love or indeed the versatile Celtic Cross, or any of the many other ways you may use in order to access the infinite wisdom of the Tarot.
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Consult also our other readings: Tarot of Love The Triangle The Path The Celtic Cross Work Tarot Healing Tarot Tarot of Wealth